Cheesy Leek, Sweet Potato and Broccoli

  • 15 mins
  • Serves 5
  • Vegetarian
  • Gluten Free
  • Beginner


15g (1/2 oz) Yeo Valley Unsalted Butter
25g (1 oz) leek, washed and thinly sliced
1 small sweet potato (approx 150g), peeled and diced
200ml (7fl oz) boiling water
75g(3 oz) small broccoli florets
25g (1 oz) medium cheddar cheese, grated
30ml (2 tbsp) Yeo Valley Natural Yogurt


1. Heat the butter in a small pan, add the leek and cook for 2 minutes until softened. Add the sweet potatoes and water, cover and simmer for 5 minutes.
2. Add the broccoli and cook for a further 5 minutes or until tender. Blend the vegetables with the cooking liquid and cheese with a hand blender or in a liquidiser until smooth. Stir in the yogurt and serve. Chill the remaining portions in the fridge for later use or freeze.

Tip: Try using parsnip instead of sweet potato

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