Yeo Valley Organic Chocolate Marshmallow Tray Bake Recipe

Chocolate Marshmallow Tray Bake

The perfect bonfire night pud: dreamy milk chocolate and gooey mini-marshmallows. Deliciously warming for a cold November night!

  • 45 mins
  • Serves 20
  • Beginner


200g Yeo Valley butter
200g light Muscovado sugar
250ml water
250g self-raising flour
5 tbsp cocoa powder
1 pinch baking powder
2 eggs
125g Yeo Valley soured cream
2 handfuls mini marshmallows

For the frosting:
175g Yeo Valley butter
2 tbsp cocoa powder
100g milk chocolate, chopped

2 tbsp Yeo Valley sour cream
200g icing sugar


1. Preheat your oven to 180C / fan 160C / gas mark 4.
2. Put the butter, sugar and 250ml of water into a pan and gently heat until melted.
3. Take the mixture off the heat, add the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, egg and sour cream and mix into a smooth batter before stirring in the marshmallows.
4. Pour into a lined 20cm x 30cm baking tray and cook for 25-30 minutes. To test if cooked, insert a cocktail stick – it should come out clean with no sticky bits.
5. Cool in a tray then lift out

For the frosting:
1. Gently melt the butter, cocoa powder and chocolate, then add the sour cream and icing sugar and stir until smooth.
2. Cool completely – you can pop it in the fridge or place over a bowl of cold water to speed things up.
3. Beat with an electric beater until pale and lightly spreadable. Don’t worry if it separates, it will come together when fully beaten.
4. Spread over the cake and decorate with marshmallows, hundreds and thousands, little sparklers or whatever takes your fancy.

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