Somerset Wild Mushrooms on Grilled Sourdough with Crispy Poached Eggs and Hollandaise Sauce

We love the produce from the wonderful Bello Wild Food, a very local supplier bringing our chefs the wild bounties they find on their foraging trips on the Mendips.

This dish seems so right for breakfast, made with our very own Yeo Valley butter!

  • 30 mins
  • Serves 4
  • Vegetarian
  • Beginner


4 slices of sourdough
300g wild mushrooms
200g kale or cavolo nero
2 tbsp olive oil
knob of butter
75g wild watercress to finish (if required)

For the bread-crumbed poached eggs:
4 legbar eggs
50ml white wine vinegar
100g seasoned flour
2 beaten eggs
100g breadcrumbs
Oil for deep frying

For the Hollandaise sauce:
50g shallots (1-2)
75ml white wine vinegar
2 bay leaves
5g black peppercorns
300g unsalted butter
2 egg yolks


For the Hollandaise sauce
1. Place the vinegar, shallots, bay leaves and peppercorns into a suitable pan and bring to the boil.
2. Reduce until you have a quarter of the volume left.
3. In a separate pan, melt the butter.
4. Place the vinegar reduction into a bowl and add the egg yolks, whisking as you do.
5. Whisk over a pan of simmering water until it has thickened up and looks light and fluffy, remove the bowl from the source of heat and very gradually start to add the melted butter to the egg mix whisking vigorously as you do so.
6. Whisk all of the butter into the egg mix and add more seasoning if required.
7. Keep warm until serving.

8. Wash and cook the kale in boiling, salted water for 2 minutes.
9. Re-fresh in ice cold water, then squeeze out the moisture and cut up roughly with a knife.
10. Check over the mushrooms for any creepy crawlies, then wash and cut into generous sized pieces with a sharp knife.
11. Place a frying pan on the stove and allow it to get hot, add the olive oil and when very hot add the wild mushrooms, season with salt and pepper and once they start to colour add the knob of butter.
12. Cook for a further minute then add the chopped greenery and tip out on to a tray lined with kitchen paper.

For the eggs

13. Pour the vinegar into a large pan of water and bring to the boil.

14. Crack the egg into a mug and drop into the boiling water for 3-4 minutes until soft.

15. Plunge the poached egg into ice cold water to stop the cooking process. Repeat with the rest of your eggs.

16. Remove the eggs from the water and place onto kitchen paper to remove excess water.

17. Roll the poached eggs through the seasoned flour, followed by the egg wash, and finally the breadcrumbs.

18. Deep fry the eggs at 180C for 30 seconds to get a crispy coat and a runny centre.

To serve:
19. Place the toasted bread slices onto 4 warm plates, share out the cooked mushroom mixture and top off with the hot cooked egg.
We then top ours off with wild watercress or wood sorrel that has been foraged locally to us, here in the valley.

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