Yeo Valley Organic Mint Choc Chip Icecream

Mint Choc Chip

We’ve got something totally mint for you… The perfect after dinner ice cream!


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Customer Reviews


Yep mint choc chip is the best ice cream on the market. Absolutely delicious. Light, fresh minty taste with scrummie chocolate chips in every spoonful. It’s a shame it’s not sold in more retailers because my nearest Waitrose is not local to me.

Philippa Bateman

Absolutely adore this product. It tastes absolutely amazing and it’s organic too!!

Baking fiend, Keen cook, Nature lover, Outdoorsy sort, Sweet tooth

oh my god this ice cream was beautiful, would definitely recommend this to as many people as I can

Narinder Kaur
Keen cook

The mint is DELICIOUS

Catherine Melia
Keen cook, Nature lover

Once tasted, never forgotten! This is my favourite ice-cream. A lovely natural minty milky taste with lots of dark chocolate chips rather than flakes. It is quite a marked contrast of textures but I love it. It is a shame I can only get this at one branch of Waitrose, but probably that is for the best!

Keen cook, Nature lover

This is my special treat for after dinner – delicious and perfect as my partner doesn’t like desserts so I can indulge in this myself

Pamela Denny
Fitness fiend, Nature lover

makes your taste buds tingle

Sarah Longstaffe
Baking fiend, Keen cook, Nature lover, Outdoorsy sort, Sweet tooth

delicious and indulgent

Baking fiend, Keen cook, Nature lover, Outdoorsy sort, Sweet tooth

Lovely minty taste and good texture however the chocolate chips were very disappointing – could you please try to upgrade the chocolate quality? Thank you!

Fitness fiend, Healthy foodie, Keen cook, Nature lover, Outdoorsy sort

A refreshing perfect mint… yeo is our favourite!

Claire Angell-McAlinden
Nature lover

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