Yeo Valley Organic Natural Yogurt

Organic Natural Yogurt

This is the original, the one we’ve been making since, ooh, forever. From breakfast to bedtime, with compotes or curries, it’s something of a fridge stalwart – always waiting to greet us with a cheery welcome when we open the door.

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Customer Reviews



mr keith martin
Keen cook, Nature lover, Outdoorsy sort

I have this every morning!! Where can I get lids please?? Many thanks for a delicious product!! xxx

Carolin Coward
Baking fiend, Nature lover

It took me a little while to adjust to the taste of natural yoghurt (as I was formerly used to yoghurts high in sugar). Now I couldn’t imagine not having this as a start to my day! Though on the slightly more expensive side, it is worthwhile as a quick and nutritious breakfast!

Baking fiend, Nature lover

I am disappointed that I am unable to get a Lid for my yoghurt pot. Great idea, but I keep spilling the yoghurt in the fridge. Yoghurt is delicious with blueberries and homemade granola

Healthy foodie

This is a wonderful product. My uses for it so far:
(1) Straight or with a little dab of jam or honey mixed in.
(2) Mixed with cream for desserts, sauces etc.
(3) Added to classick Scandi style pickled herring on rye.
(4) Mixed 3: or 4:1 with plain or fizzy chilled water to make an approximation of lassi.

PS I think the “use by” date is w…a…y too pessimistic. Have a sniff before chucking out.

Ian Morrison
Healthy foodie

Very disappointed in your failure to provide lids. How could you be so unthinking?

Mel Godden
Nature lover

Absolutely the best:
As is
Spoonful of jam mixed in
Mixed into a big glass of chilled plain or fizzy water to make lassi style drink
Coat fish, chicken etc in flour, then Yeo, then maize for a super crisp fried coating

Ian Morrison
Baking fiend, Fitness fiend, Healthy foodie, Keen cook, Nature lover, Outdoorsy sort

Why have you stopped makin the 4 pack of lemon curd yogurts. I know you can still get the large cartons but the smaller one is more convenient.😩

Jane brocklehurst
Baking fiend, Fitness fiend, Healthy foodie, Keen cook, Nature lover, Outdoorsy sort

Only organic natural yogurt in Barbados but sadly both Massy & Clifton Market are out of stock more often than not.

Baking fiend, Healthy foodie, Nature lover, Outdoorsy sort

The 1kg size has gone down to 950g. The price has gone up from £2.75 to £3.50!

Charles Nicholson
Baking fiend, Healthy foodie, Nature lover, Outdoorsy sort

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